Canale Youtube "kubucation"
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Let's build a REST API in Go with zero dependencies!
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tr - Transform, Replace and Remove specific characters from strings | #10 Practical Bash
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cURL - The only HTTP client you'll ever need | Practical Bash & Terminal #9
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Taking the mystery out of the "tar" command: Create, extract and compress archives easily | Bash #8
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Vim 8.2 with Killersheep! Best Go support in vim so far with gopls (with vim-go or govim) | VLOG
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Test Setup & Write your first test in Golang | Go Tests #1
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sed: Easily replace strings across files | #7 Practical Bash
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Pipe into commands and read from STDIN | #5 Practical Bash
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What is stdout, stderr, /dev/null and redirection? | #4 Practical Bash
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Command Substitution: Can you return data instead of exit codes in Bash? | #3 Practical Bash
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Learn about scripts, functions, chmod and set -e | #2 Practical Bash
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Bash exit codes & command chaining | #1 Practical Bash
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Super easy new way to add HTTPS to Kubernetes apps with ManagedCertificates on GKE
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#4 Final Form React Tutorial and some Array.reduce() | React Forms 4 Ways
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#2 Controlled Components - The React Way | React Forms 4 Ways
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#1 React forms the native HTML/Javascript way | React Forms 4 Ways
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Git Etiquette: Make your coworkers happy, be ready for CD and grow as a developer!
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restartPolicy: never - How to kill an entire K8s cluster with an innocent mistake! (1/2)
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Proper DOCKER CACHING: Speed up your build with this optimized Dockerfile
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Drastically reduce the size of your DOCKER images with MULTISTAGE builds
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Use cert-manager with Let's Encrypt® Certificates Tutorial: Automatic Browser-Trusted HTTPS
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Automatically Provision TLS Certificates in K8s with cert-manager
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Create a Kubernetes TLS Ingress from scratch in Minikube
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How does HTTPS work? What's a CA? What's a self-signed Certificate?
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Setup Keycloak as an Identity Provider & OpenID Connect Token Issuer
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OpenID Connect and OAuth 2 explained in under 10 minutes!
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Static Token File-Based Authentication with Minikube
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